World Backup Day


World Backup Day

World Backup Day was chosen to be the day before April 1st (April Fools) in order to drive the message that one should backup all those pictures, spreadsheets, love letters, cat pictures, & important financial documents before it’s too late.

Key points about backing up data:

  • Items to backup:  Your computer, laptop, phone, iPod, tablet, other wireless devices, photos and videos on social networks.
  • Common ways to lose data:  Theft, hardware failure, natural disaster, alien invasion, obsolete file formats, you forgot where you put it (really, it has happened).
  • Backup options:  Backing up is easy. Once set up, your data should be backing up automatically. There are two main types of backup solutions:
    • Local backup: An external hard drive that can be easily retrieved at home.
    • Cloud/offsite backup: An online backup service or hard drive securely placed in a different location
    • Having both local and offsite backups gives you piece of mind knowing your files are safe and secure.
  • If you are working in a business:
  • tell your bosses & colleagues about the importance of data backups
  • check your backup procedures & restores to make sure everything is up-to-date and working.
  • if don’t have one, consider creating a company data backup & continuity plan

Call us on 01452 222 000 to see how we can help your business protect its self from data loss in the event of a disaster.  With Online Backup from as little as £12 why wouldn’t you backup?

Don’t be an April Fool.  Backup your data. World Backup Day is March 31st.